I leave in just a few days to depart to Vancouver to work with the
United States Olympic Committee during the 2010 Winter Olympics. I've had so much work to do and things to organize (for six other people including everything for myself) that it's been hard to take a step back and soak it all in. I think once I get into Vancouver, it will hit me. I think.
In addition to overseeing our staff, I'm also in charge of content and production for the USA Daily Newsletter, a publication that is a preview for the next day's events including information about American athletes. The newsletter goes out to hundreds of media organizations! It's going to be a lot of work, but I think it will be rewarding and a lot of fun.

I'm also blogging about my experience for Chicago Now,
The View From Vancouver. You can also follow us on Facebook (
View From Vancouver) and Twitter (
I've always wanted to visit the Pacific Northwest, so I'm excited that I'll have some time in Seattle before our train ride to Vancouver. Being from the flat lands of Louisiana, seeing the mountains hasn't lost its novelty. I'll be working at the Main Press Center, which overlooks this beautiful view:

See you in Vancouver!